O 71: Poster Plasmonics and Nanooptics: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
18:00 |
O 71.1 |
Large area writing of In3SbTe2 metasurfaces for polarization optics and complex orbital angular momentum beams — •Maike Kreutz, Lukas Conrads, Andreas Mathwieser, Matthias Wuttig, Robert Schmitt, and Thomas Taubner
18:00 |
O 71.2 |
Investigation of the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2 in the near-infrared range — •Hristiyana Kyoseva, Lukas Conrads, Rebecca Rahmel, Gero von Plessen, and Thomas Taubner
18:00 |
O 71.3 |
Laser pulse front tilt effects in the observation of SPPs using photoemission electron microscopy — •Hanno Christiansen, Tobias Eul, and Michael Bauer
18:00 |
O 71.4 |
Surface plasmon polariton neuronal cell — •Emily Kruel, Christopher Weiss, Tobias Eul, Mario Pfeiffer, Benjamin Stadtmüller, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:00 |
O 71.5 |
Investigating Gel Electrolyte Compositions for Enhanced Switching Speed in PEDOT:PSS Electrochromic Devices and Switchable Metasurfaces — •Hoorieh Fallah, Dominik Ludescher, Jonas Herbig, Mario Hentschel, Andy Steinmann, Klaus Dirnberger, Junqi Lu, Semi Kim, Aldilene Santos Franca, Sabine Ludwigs, and Harald Giessen