
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 72: Poster Plasmonics and Nanooptics: Light-Matter Interaction, Spectroscopy

O 72.7: Poster

Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2

Anisotropic photoelectron emission from individual Ag nanoparticles on silicon — •Waqas Pervez1,2, Kevin Oldenburg1,2, Sylvia Speller1,2, and Ingo Barke1,21Institute of Physics, University of Rostock, Germany — 2Department of Life, Light & Matter, University of Rostock, Germany

Laser excitation of localised plasmons in nanoparticles can give rise to a vastly enhanced photoemission yield [1, 2]. Here we study detailed characteristics of the photoelectron emission process of size-selected nanoparticles with diameters around 10 nm, deposited from the gas phase onto silicon. To this end we employ femtosecond laser excitation with wavelengths around 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively, in a photoemission electron microscope (PEEM). The spatially resolved electron yield is investigated as a function of laser wavelength and polarisation. Furthermore, we report on photoelectron emission from individual, supported nanoparticles in reciprocal space. Upon resonant plasmon excitation we observe anisotropic electron yield that depends on the laser polarisation. The observed photon order, ranging from 2PPE to 5PPE, and the underlying excitation and emission mechanisms are discussed in view of the local near field distribution and the effect of the substrate.
[1] M. Rohmer et al., Phys. Stat. Solidi B 247, 1132 (2010)
[2] K. Oldenburg et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 1379 (2019)

Keywords: Nanoparticles; PEEM; Plasmons; Photoemission

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg