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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 73: Poster Metal and Semiconductor Substrates: Adsorption and Reactions of Small Molecules
O 73.8: Poster
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 18:00–20:00, P2
Investigation of Na+ ion solvation on the Cu(111) surface by STM — •Anna Shugai and Karina Morgenstern — Physical Chemistry I, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, 44801, Germany
Sodium-ion (Na+) batteries offer great potential as an energy storage, making them an attractive alternative to the lithium-ion batteries. However, the practical realization is currently restricted due to the instability of the electrode-electrolyte interface. To reveal the reasons for it, we need to understand the underlying mechanisms that govern the process of Na+ ion on-surface solvation. In this project, we use low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) to get the locally resolved structure of D2O-solvated Na+ ions that are supported on the Cu(111) surface. First, the small D2O clusters, containing 10 to 20 molecules, were prepared on the Cu(111) surface. We compare them to the D2O clusters deposited on the Na+-pre-covered Cu(111) surface. The results show that there is strong interaction between the Na+ ion and the D2O solvent molecules. Accordingly, the solvation behaviour of Na+ is more similar to that exhibited by the Li+ ion, than to that of the Cs+ ion.
Keywords: solvation; Sodium ion; STM; Cu111; Lithium ion