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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 80: Organic Molecules on Inorganic Substrates: Electronic, Optical and Other Properties I
O 80.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 11:45–12:00, H4
Imaging the occupied states of multilayers of α-sexitiophene (6T) on Cu(110)-p(2x1)O using orbital tomography — •Monja Stettner1,2, Andrey Matetskiy1, Eric Fackelman1,2, Siegfried Kaidisch3, Serguei Soubatch1, François C. Bocquet1, Peter Puschnig3, Christian Kumpf1,2, and F. Stefan Tautz1,2 — 1Peter Grünberg Institut (PGI-3), FZ Jülich, Germany — 2RWTH Aachen University, Germany — 3Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria
Deposition of α-sexithiophene (6T) on an oxygen-reconstructed Cu(110)- p(2x1)O surface results in a well ordered, close-packed monolayer structure, and at higher coverages in layer-by-layer growth. Note that even beyond a monolayer, 6T retains its orientation along the [001] direction of Cu. We investigated samples with coverages of up to eight layers using ARPES and - in particular - orbital tomography. For the latter, experimental momentum maps are compared to simulated maps which are calculated for a single free molecule and for extended layers of 6T. We found a good resemblance for several occupied molecular states, e.g., the HOMO. However, in the binding energy range of several deeper orbitals, the momentum maps clearly show signatures of a sizable intermolecular dispersion that cannot be explained by a superposition of the single gas phase maps. The orbitals rather form dispersing bands, which indicates a significant intermolecular hybridization.
Keywords: Orbital tomography; Sexithiophene (6T); Adsorption of molecules