
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 82: Plasmonics and Nanooptics: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications II

Thursday, March 20, 2025, 10:30–12:30, H8

10:30 O 82.1 Femtosecond Direct Laser Writing of Conductive and Electrically Switchable PEDOT:PSS Optical Nanostructures — •Dominik Ludescher, Pavel Ruchka, Leander Siegle, Yanzhe Huang, Philipp Flad, Monika Ubl, Sabine Ludwigs, Mario Hentschel, and Harald Giessen
10:45 O 82.2 Revolutionizing OLED Performance and Efficiency with Core-Shell Nanoparticles in HTL and Carbon Dots in ETL Layers — •Zoi Georgiopoulou, Apostolis Verykios, Theodoros Triadis, and Maria Vasilopoulou
11:00 O 82.3 Engineered disorder metasurfaces for near-field light shaping — •Luca Schmid, Julian Schwab, Chi Li, Stefan Maier, Harald Giessen, Haoran Ren, and Mario Hentschel
11:15 O 82.4 Strong polarization-tuned optical nonlinearity via femtosecond-laser plasmonic nanolithography in lithium niobate — •Han Zhu, Shengqiang Zhou, and Feng Chen
11:30 O 82.5 Nonlocal Substrate Influence on the Plasmon of a Supported Silver NanoparticleKevin Oldenburg, Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, and •Ingo Barke
11:45 O 82.6 Dynamic beam switching using individually adressable plasmonic gratings made from switchable metallic polymer in planar technology — •Jonas Herbig, Dominik Ludescher, Monika Ubl, Mario Hentschel, and Harald Giessen
12:00 O 82.7 Disorder-driven localization of surface plasmon resonances in disordered assemblies of gold nanoparticles — •Kristina Weinel, Johannes Schultz, Mohammed Fayis Kalady, Daniel Wolf, Leonardo Agudo Jácome, and Axel Lubk
12:15 O 82.8 Nanophotonics of ultra-thin gold flakes — •Gayathri Haridas, Farid Aghashirinov, Julian Schwab, Bettina Frank, and Harald Giessen
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