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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 84: Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award Competition
O 84.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 10:30–11:00, H24
CO cryo-sorption on a FeNC catalyst as a spectroscopic probe of the active site density — •Benedikt P. Klein1,3, Beomgyun Jeong1, Hafiz Ghulam Abbas2, Geunsu Bae2, Adith R. Velmurugan2, Chang Hyuck Choi4, Geonhwa Kim5, Dongwoo Kim5, Ki-jeong Kim5, Byeong Jun Cha6, Young Dok Kim6, Frederic Jaouen7, Reinhard J. Maurer3, and Stefan Ringe2 — 1Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon, ROK — 2Korea University, Seoul, ROK — 3University of Warwick, Coventry, UK — 4POSTECH, Pohang, ROK — 5PAL, Pohang, ROK — 6Sungkyukwan University, Suwon, ROK — 7University of Montpellier, France
To quantify the number of active sites in a catalyst is a crucial necessity for the evaluation of its performance. A possible quantification approach is the adsorption of a gas molecule to the catalytically active sites as a probe. If the adsorbed molecules can be reliably detected, their surface density can be determined by using spectroscopic techniques and the active site density of the catalyst can be obtained. For this approach it is necessary to identify the probe molecules according to their spectroscopic features, a task much helped by the computational simulation of spectra. In this the NAP-XPS and NAP-NEXAFS study, we present direct spectroscopic evidence for the adsorption of CO on an iron-nitrogen-carbon (FeNC) catalyst. The well defined spectroscopic features enable us to determine the active site density using by experimental data combined with state-of-the-art DFT based spectroscopy simulation.
Keywords: FeNC; Catalysis; AP-XPS; AP-NEXAFS