Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 86: Electronic Structure of Surfaces: Spectroscopy, Surface States II
O 86.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 16:15–16:30, H2
Origin of the Spin-Polarized Fermi Surface of a Tl Bilayer on Ag(111) — •Sven Schemmelmann1, Yuichiro Toichi2, Peter Krüger3, Kazuyuki Sakamoto2, and Markus Donath1 — 1Physikalisches Institut, Universität Münster, Germany — 2Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University, Japan — 3Institut für Festkörpertheorie, Universität Münster, Germany
ARPES measurements have shown that the Fermi surface of a Tl bilayer grown on Ag(111) exhibits two hexagonal-shaped states [1]. While the inner one is fully spin polarized, the outer one appears to be unpolarized. Spin-resolved inverse photoemission experiments of the unoccupied states reveal the origin of this peculiar behavior. We observe two downward dispersing states which are both spin split. The two spin branches of the one state are responsible for the two states observed forming the Fermi surface. Interestingly, the spin up branch coincides with the spin down branch of the other downward dispersing state. This is the reason why this state appears to be unpolarized.
[1] T. Kobayashi et al., Nano Lett. 23, 7675 (2023)
Keywords: Electronic structure; Inverse photoemission; Fermi surface