
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 87: Plasmonics and Nanooptics: Light-Matter Interaction, Spectroscopy I

O 87.3: Talk

Thursday, March 20, 2025, 15:30–15:45, H4

Polarisation-dependent Mie void resonances — •Serkan Arslan1, Shaban B. Sulejman2, Sebastian Klein1, Jonathan Haehner2, Dominik Ludescher1, Tim Davis1,2, Lukas Wesemann2, Ann Roberts2, Harald Giessen1, and Mario Hentschel11Univesity of Stuttgart, 4th Physics Institute, Germany — 2University of Melbourne, School of Physics & TMOS, Australia

Over the last decade, researchers in nanophotonics have extensively studied the properties and applications of high refractive index dielectric nanoresonators that support subwavelength Mie resonances. Recently, it was demonstrated that similar resonances also occur in wavelength- and subwavelength-sized holes in high refractive index dielectrics, now known as Mie voids. These Mie voids efficiently confine light within air and support resonances spanning from the IR to UV wavelengths, thereby providing a new building block and expanding the parameter space of dielectric nanophotonics.

Until now, only circular Mie voids have been investigated. Here, we present the first study of non-isotropic Mie voids, including elliptical and rectangular shapes. We numerically and experimentally investigate the polarisation dependence of the resonances and reflection spectra, paving the way for polarisation-dependent structural colors and optical security features. Specifically, we demonstrate polarisation-dependent color patterns and micrometer-sized color prints. Anisotropic Mie voids also allow for the design of Mie void metasurfaces based on a generalised geometric phase.

Keywords: Nanophotinics; Mie voids; Structural color

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