Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 88: 2D Materials: Stacking and Heterostructures (joint session O/HL)
O 88.5: Talk
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 16:00–16:15, H6
Charge density wave interactions in bilayer 1T-TaSe2 — •Robert Drost, Ziying Wang, Büşra Arslan, Adolfo Fumega, Jose Lado, and Peter Liljeroth — Aalto University, Department of Applied Physics
Van der Waals materials offer splendid opportunities for quantum material engineering through stacking and heterostructure formation. While well-proven for many essential two-dimensional materials, these techniques are less explored for correlated materials. The 1T phase of TaSe2 is a two-dimensional Mott insulator and and excellent model system for correlations in reduced dimensions. The correlation gap in 1T-TaSe2 is highly sensitive to the thickness of the material, suggesting that electron-electron interactions between the charge density waves play an important role in determining the electronic properties of few-layer TaSe2. We also observe and additional site dependence of the gap size, showing that the stacking order may be equally important. These effects hint at the possibility of using charge density wave stacking as a design element in new quantum materials.
Keywords: STM; Two-dimensional materials; Correlated matter