Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 89: Metal and Semiconductor Substrates: Structure, Epitaxy and Growth
O 89.2: Talk
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 15:15–15:30, H8
Automation of data acquisition and measurement evaluation in LEED I(V) — •Florian Dörr1, Michael Schmid1, Lutz Hammer2, Ulrike Diebold1, and Michele Riva1 — 1Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Austria — 2Solid State Physics, FAU Erlangen, Germany
We designed a system capable of acquiring and evaluating quantitative low-energy electron diffraction [LEED I(V)] data, the Vienna Package for Erlangen LEED (ViPErLEED). The system contains three parts: One part performs data acquisition and is discussed in this contribution. The other two parts focus on the extraction of LEED-I(V) curves from image series [1] and simulation of I(V) spectra for quantitative structure optimization [2].
The data acquisition package consists of open-source hardware for controlling the LEED electronics and software for calibration and the actual measurements. Compared with previous solutions, the package contains functions that improve data quality, such as low-noise measurement of the beam current I0, automatic calibration of the beam energy, and analysis of the response time of the LEED controller. On the image acquisition side, the software corrects for deficiencies of the camera, such as hot or dead pixels. We will discuss issues that affect the accuracy and duration of LEED-I(V) measurements; this is especially important for sensitive samples that easily degrade.
Keywords: Surface structure; low-energy electron diffraction; LEED I(V); data acquisition; automation