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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 89: Metal and Semiconductor Substrates: Structure, Epitaxy and Growth
O 89.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:30–15:45, H8
X-ray reflectivity of µm-samples — •Steffen Tober1, Wieland Corts1,2, Steven Leake3, Toka Matar1,2, Lisa Randolph1, Breno Saraiva4,5, Vedran Vonk4, Andreas Stierle4,5, and Hans-Georg Steinrück1,2 — 1Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute for Sustainable Hydrogen Economy (INW), Jülich — 2RWTH Aachen, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Aachen — 3ESRF, Grenoble — 4Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Centre for X-Ray and Nanoscience (CXNS), Hamburg — 5University of Hamburg, Physics Department, Hamburg
X-ray reflectivity (XRR) non-destructively probes electron density profiles of surfaces and interfaces with sub-nm resolution. Large beam footprints in grazing-incidence geometries commonly limit XRR to mm-sized, flat samples because the beam spillover for smaller samples significantly reduces the signal to noise ratio. To probe samples such as individual particles in electrodes or catalysts, a significant reduction of the footprint is needed. As demonstrated for crystal truncation rods [1], the nm-sized X-ray beams of modern synchrotron sources can be used for XRR on µm-sized samples with reduced footprint. We present first proof-of-principle studies comparing XRR of mm- and µm-sized thin-film samples measured with 80 and 400 nm X-ray beams at ESRF ID01 and the necessary optimisation of alignement- and scan procedures [2]. Our results show the general feasibility of nm-beam XRR to be adapted for future in situ/operando studies.
[1] J. Stubbs et al., Clays Clay. Miner. 69, 688 (2021)
[2] S. J. Leake et al., J. Synchrotron Rad. 26 571 (2019)
Keywords: X-ray reflectivity; Synchrotron methods; Microprobe