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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 98: Metal and Semiconductor Substrates: Adsorption and Reactions of Small Molecules

O 98.3: Vortrag

Freitag, 21. März 2025, 11:00–11:15, H8

Electron-Induced Dehydrogenation of Acetylene and Ethylene on Si(100)Rafik Addou, Damian Allis, Ryan Groome, Si Yue Guo, Aru Hill, Hadiya Ma, Cameron Mackie, •Oliver MacLean, Marc Savoie, Marco Taucer, Alexander Therien, Finley van Barr, and Ryan Yamachika — CBN Nanotechnologies Inc.

Low-Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is a powerful tool for manipulating individual atoms and molecules on surfaces. The Si(100) surface is a technologically relevant substrate; however, its high reactivity and structural complexity has led to limited examples of molecular manipulation. Here, we demonstrate the electron-induced dehydrogenation of two simple hydrocarbons on Si(100) at 4 K. Excitation by tunneling electrons at or above +3.2 V led to rotation, migration, or desorption of acetylene, consistent with previous observations on ethylene. At similar biases, dehydrogenation to C2 was also observed, which bound in on-dimer, inter-dimer, and inter-row configurations, as supported by STM simulations. At +4.2 V and above, excitation induced rotation of C2 between configurations, but conversion back to the starting adsorbates was never observed. Tunneling-electron excitation of ethylene yielded the same C2 products. Dehydrogenation of acetylene by field emission was also observed, with an effect ranging from a single to thousands of molecules, depending on the parameters chosen. This exploration of electron-induced dehydrogenation and rotation points to new possibilities in molecular manipulation on semiconductors.

Keywords: scanning tunneling microscopy (STM); ultra-high vacuum (UHV); Si(100); electron-induced reaction; organic molecules

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg