
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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PLV: Plenarvorträge


PLV II: Plenary Talk

Monday, March 17, 2025, 14:00–14:45, H1

High-power semiconductor lasers based on Hermitian and non-Hermitian control in photonic crystals — •Susumu Noda — Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan

Realizing single-mode, high-power, high-beam-quality semiconductor lasers, which rival (or even replace) bulky gas and solid-state lasers, is one of the ultimate goals of photonics and laser physics. Conventional high-power semiconductor lasers, however, inevitably suffer from poor beam quality owing to the onset of many-mode oscillation. In this conference, I will review the recent progress, in which these challenges have been surmounted by developing large-scale photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) with controlled Hermitian and non-Hermitian couplings inside the photonic crystal. A CW output power exceeding 50W with purely single-mode oscillation and an exceptionally narrow divergence of 0.05°has been achieved for PCSELs with a diameter of 3mm. The brightness, a figure of merit encapsulating both output power and beam quality, exceeds 1GWcm-2sr-1, which is over ten times larger than those of conventional semiconductor lasers and rivals those of existing bulky lasers. I will also discuss our recent efforts towards realizing even 1-kW-class PCSELs with expanded resonant diameters of 10mm and finely tuned Hermitian and non-Hermitian couplings. Such PCSELs are expected to replace conventional, bulkier lasers in the near future. Finally, I will refer to the high functionalities of PCSELs including the emission of arbitrary beam patterns, and high-peak-power short-pulse generation.

Keywords: photonic-crystal surface-emitting laser; PCSEL; non-Hermitian Photonics; laser physics; nanophotonics

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