Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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PLV: Plenarvorträge
PLV VI: Plenarvortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 14:00–14:45, H1
Topological spin-textures -- from domain walls to Hopfions: Current innovations and future challenges — •Stefan Blügel — Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich and JARA, 52425 Jülich, Germany
Topological spin- and magnetization textures, generally associated with Skyrmions, is a very exciting, timely and multidisciplinary field, where mathematicians, theoretical and computational physicists meet with experts on film and multilayer growth, on high-resolution magnetization and electronic structure characterization, transport and dynamics, and on device concepts and devices in order to integrate these particles into the field of spintronics. It is very fascinating to observe that simple spin models, which can be determined for real materials by density functional theory calculations, lead to micromagnetic equations whose solutions are localized topological textures in an homogeneous solid, which can now be studied by experimental methods, e.g. by means of quantitative off-axis electron holography or x-ray ptychography. Drawing a line between the first solitary wave discovered by John Scott Russel and Heisenberg's question of how countable particles can appear in continuous fields, I will give an elementary overview of the field, introduce the core objects and the primary interactions, discuss their nonlinear behavior which can be useful for neuromorphic spintronics, discuss their electric detection and magnetic hopfions, a new type of solitonic structure in three dimensions shaped as bounded knots, and their recent discovery stabilized by a skyrmion filament.
Work is supported by the ERC Grant 856538 - 3D MAGiC.
Keywords: Magnetism; Topology; Spintronics; Multiscale Modeling; Quantum Materials