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PLV: Plenarvorträge

Mo, 08:30–09:15 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV I: Seeing dents in the atom — •Franz Giessibl
Mo, 14:00–14:45 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV II: High-power semiconductor lasers based on Hermitian and non-Hermitian control in photonic crystals — •Susumu Noda
Mo, 14:00–14:45 H2 Plenarvortrag: PLV III: Physics informed artificial intelligence and data-driven design of materials — •Jörg Neugebauer
Di, 08:30–09:15 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV IV: Some new aspects of unconventional superconductivity in layered materials — •Irina Grigorieva
Mi, 08:30–09:15 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV V: Ultrafast magnetism- terra incognita beyond the classical approximations — •Alexey Kimel
Mi, 14:00–14:45 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV VI: Topological spin-textures -- from domain walls to Hopfions: Current innovations and future challenges — •Stefan Blügel
Mi, 14:00–14:45 H2 Plenarvortrag: PLV VII: Variance sum rule for dissipative systems — •Felix Ritort
Do, 08:30–09:15 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV VIII: Learning how biomolecules move and undergo chemical reactions — •Frauke Gräter
Do, 14:00–14:45 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV IX: Tunable Ultrafast Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Vortices in Nanoscale Dots — •Jelena Klinovaja, Ji Zho, Even Thingstad, Se Kwon Kim, and Daniel Loss
Do, 14:00–14:45 H2 Plenarvortrag: PLV X: Process-directed formation of nonequilibrium structures in copolymer materials — •Marcus Müller
Fr, 08:30–09:15 H1 Plenarvortrag: PLV XI: Exploring correlated phases and topology in van der Waals platforms — •Roser Valenti
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg