
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 10: Topological Semimetals

TT 10.1: Talk

Monday, March 17, 2025, 15:00–15:15, H36

Uniaxial pressure tuning of the anomalous Hall effect in Mn3Ge — •Gustavo Lombardi1, Leonardo Oparacz Kutelak2, Mario Moda Piva1, Vinicius Estevo Silva Frehse3, Guilherme Calligaris2, Ricardo Donizeth dos Reis2, and Michael Nicklas11Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, 01187, Dresden, Germany — 2Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, 13083-100, Campinas, Brazil — 3Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, 86159, Augsburg, Germany

The hexagonal Heusler compound Mn3Ge exhibits an antiferromagnetic structure in which the Mn spins are arranged in a 120 triangular configuration characteristic of a Kagome lattice in the ab plane. These Kagome layers are periodically stacked along the c axis. This structure gives rise to a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) due to a non-vanishing Berry curvature. Uniaxial pressure provides an effective method for tuning the AHE in Mn3Ge. Our results reveal that applying stress along the a direction, which induces a distortion in the ab plane, significantly modifies the Hall signal. In contrast, stress applied along the c axis has no visible effect on the Hall signal. These results, combined with previous hydrostatic pressure data [1], suggest that the strong variations in the AHE are due to changes in the magnetic order in the ab plane. We also find that the application of hydrostatic and uniaxial pressure leads to different modifications of the magnetic order, the former inducing an out-of-plane tilt of the Mn spins, while the latter induces rotations of the Mn spins within the ab plane.

[1] R. D. Dos Reis et al., Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 51401 (2020).

Keywords: Anomalous Hall effect; Uniaxial pressure; Topological semimetals; Heusler compounds; Antiferromagnetism

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