Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 10: Topological Semimetals
TT 10.4: Talk
Monday, March 17, 2025, 15:45–16:00, H36
Electronic transport and classification for topological nodal planes — •Moritz M Hirschmann1,2, Kirill Alpin1, Raymond Wiedmann1, Niclas Heinsdorf1,3, Wan Yee Yau1,4, Andreas Leonhardt1, Douglas H Fabini5, Johannes Mitscherling1,6,7, and Andreas P Schnyder1 — 1MPI FKF, Stuttgart, Germany — 2RIKEN CEMS, Wako, Japan — 3UBC, Vancouver, Canada — 4MPI CBG, Dresden, Germany — 5MIT, Cambridge, USA — 6UC, Berkeley, USA — 7MPI PKS, Dresden, Germany
Nodal planes are the two-dimensional generalization of nodal points/lines [1], and like them, they may carry a topological charge, for which we devise a symmetry-based classification. When a single or a pair of two nodal planes are topological, Fermi arcs connect the pockets of Weyl points and nodal planes on the surface. While this is similar to Weyl semimetals, their transport properties differ. We find that the large degeneracy of nodal planes is susceptible to a time-reversal breaking that contributes to the anomalous Hall effect. Further, perturbed nodal planes generically enhance the quantum metric contributing to the interband part of the optical conductivity. As an application, we study the hexagonal van der Waals material CoNb3S6, which exhibits such topological nodal planes. Recently, this compound has gained interest due to its All-in-All-out magnetic order that exhibits a non-trivial spin-space symmetry [2]. Here, the topological nodal planes dominate the anomalous Hall and Nernst effects.
[1] Nature 594, 374 (2021).
[2] arXiv:2403.01113 (2024).
Keywords: Topological nodal planes; Topological classification; Electronic/Optical transport; Fermi arcs; Intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides