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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 11: Superconductivity: Poster
TT 11.27: Poster
Montag, 17. März 2025, 15:00–18:00, P4
Characterization of photoresists for deep UV direct writing lithography — •Niels Fiedler1, Andreas Reifenberger1, Lukas Münch1, Alexander Stoll1, Ludwig Hoibl2, Andreas Fleischmann1, and Christian Enss1 — 1Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University — 2Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH
Photoresists are integral to the precise pattern transfer processes required for fabricating micro- and nanoscale devices. The structuring of photoresists with optical maskless lithography systems has proven to be extremely versatile and efficient in research and development. Within the framework of the SuperLSI project, Heidelberg Instruments is developing a maskless lithographic platform incorporating a 266 nm Deep UV optical system, designed to achieve patterning resolutions as fine as 200 nm. Identification and thorough characterization of photoresists compatible with the lithographic platform is required. We focus on the performance of a positive (DuPont UV5-0.6) and negative (micro resist technology ma-N 2405) photoresist for the fabrication of superconducting sub-500 nm features. Structural fidelity, etch resistance, and developer compatibility with superconducting materials, such as niobium and aluminum, are evaluated. Achieving reduced linewidths advances quantum sensors like SQUIDs by enabling smaller Josephson junctions (JJs). Initial results for cross-type JJs with areas below 1 µm2 highlight the potential of optical maskless lithography for flexible wafer-scale fabrication of superconducting devices.
Keywords: DeepUV; optical maskless lithography; photoresists; Josephson Junctions; SQUIDs