
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 16: Superconductivity: Properties and Electronic Structure II

Dienstag, 18. März 2025, 09:30–12:45, H32

09:30 TT 16.1 Layer-thickness and substrate effects on superconductivity in epitaxial FeSe films on BLG/SiC(0001) — •yongsong wang, haojie guo, ane etxebarria, sandra sajan, sara barja, and miguel moreno ugeda
09:45 TT 16.2 Lattice dynamical studies in the unconventional superconductor: LiFeAs — •Akshay Tewari, Sabine Wurmehl, Bernd Büchner, Andrea Piovano, and Markus Braden
10:00 TT 16.3 NMR evidence of pseudogap and against spin magnetism in the time-reversal symmetry breaking state of Ba1−xKxFe2As2 — •F. Bärtl, F. Caglieris, Y. Li, Q. Hu, Y. Zheng, C.-H. Yim, J. Wosnitza, R. Sarkar, H.-H. Klauss, E. Babaev, J. Garaud, H. Kühne, and V. Grinenko
10:15 TT 16.4 Observation of saddle point nesting driven charge order on the surface of a 122-type iron-based superconductors — •Yu Zheng
10:30 TT 16.5 Long-term stability of irradiation-induced defects in YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films — •Bernd Aichner, Sandra Keppert, Philip Rohringer, Marius-Aurel Bodea, Benedikt Müller, Max Karrer, Reinhold Kleiner, Edward Goldobin, Dieter Koelle, Johannes David Pedarnig, and Wolfgang Lang
10:45 TT 16.6 Two-fluid model analysis of the terahertz conductivity of YBaCuO samples: Optimally doped, underdoped and overdoped casesChristelle Kadlec, Wen-Yen Tzeng, Chih-Wei Luo, Jiunn-Yuan Lin, and •Michal Šindler
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 TT 16.7 Higgs spectroscopy on the interplay of superconductivity and charge density waves — •Liwen Feng, Tim Priessnitz, Thales De Oliveira, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Sergey Kovalev, Hao Chu, and Stefan Kaiser
11:30 TT 16.8 Dynamics of non-thermal states in a cuprate superconductor revealed by mid-infrared three-pulse spectroscopy — •Angela Montanaro, Enrico Maria Rigoni, Giacomo Jarc, Viktor Kabanov, and Daniele Fausti
11:45 TT 16.9 Hidden antiferromagnetism and pseudogap from fluctuating stripes — •Henning Schlömer, Annabelle Bohrdt, and Fabian Grusdt
12:00 TT 16.10 Direct evidence of pairing up to the pseudogap energy in cuprate high-temperature superconductorsJiasen Niu, Maialen Ortego Larrazabal, Thomas Gozlinski, •Yudai Sato, Koen M. Bastiaans, Tjerk Benschop, Jian-Feng Ge, Yaroslav M. Blanter, Genda Gu, Ingmar Swart, and Milan P. Allan
12:15 TT 16.11 Spin susceptibility in a pseudogap state with spiral magnetic fluctuations — •Paulo Forni, Pietro M. Bonetti, Henrik Müller-Groeling, Demerio Villardi, and Walter Metzner
12:30 TT 16.12 Rise and fall of the pseudogap in the Emery model: Insights for cuprates — •Mario O. Malcolms, Henri Menke, Yi-Tin Tseng, Eric Jacob, Karsten Held, Philipp Hansmann, and Thomas Schaefer
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg