09:30 |
TT 17.1 |
Accuracy of embedded impurity methods for spin-polarized systems — •Kevin Ackermann and Maurits W. Haverkort
09:45 |
TT 17.2 |
Neural-network-supported Configuration Interaction as impurity solver for DMFT — •Alexander Kowalski, Philipp Hansmann, Giorgio Sangiovanni, and Adriana Pálffy
10:00 |
TT 17.3 |
Neural Quantum States as Dynamical Mean Field Theory solvers — •Jonas B. Rigo, Wladislaw Krinitsin, and Markus Schmitt
10:15 |
TT 17.4 |
Neural network supported Configuration Interaction calculations in quantum many-body clusters — •Louis Thirion, Pavlo Bilous, Yorick L. A. Schmerwitz, Gianluca Levi, Elvar Ö. Jónsson, Henri Menke, Maurits Haverkort, Adriana Pálffy-Buß, Hannes Jónsson, and Philipp Hansmann
10:30 |
TT 17.5 |
Simulating two-dimensional fermionic systems with strong correlations using Neural Quantum States — •Hannah Lange, Annika Böhler, Christopher Roth, and Annabelle Bohrdt
10:45 |
TT 17.6 |
Simulating Fermi Hubbard and t-J Models with Neural Quantum States — •Annika Böhler, Hannah Lange, Christopher Roth, and Annabelle Bohrdt
11:00 |
TT 17.7 |
Investigating Quantum Many-Body Systems with Neural Quantum States — •Fabian Döschl, Felix A. Palm, Hannah Lange, Fabian Grusdt, and Annabelle Bohrdt
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
TT 17.8 |
X-ray absorption meets Matrix Product States: Application of a MPS-based band Lanczos solver to impurity models with core levels — •Coraline Letouzé, Sebastian Paeckel, Guillaume Radtke, and Benjamin Lenz
11:45 |
TT 17.9 |
Diagonal isometric tensor product states in two dimensions — •Benjamin Sappler, Masataka Kawano, and Frank Pollmann
12:00 |
TT 17.10 |
Dual Fermion Approach to the Falicov-Kimball Model: a benchmarking of methods — •Akshat Mishra, Hugo U. R. Strand, and Erik G. C. P. van Loon
12:15 |
TT 17.11 |
Enabling accurate Quantum Chemistry on current and near-term Quantum Hardware with the Transcorrelated Method. — •Werner Dobrautz, Igor O. Sokolov, Ali Alavi, Martin Rahm, and Ivano Tavernelli
12:30 |
TT 17.12 |
Cluster extension of the DMF2RG and application to the 2d Hubbard model — •Marcel Krämer, Michael Meixner, Kilian Fraboulet, Pietro Bonetti, Demetrio Vilardi, Nils Wentzell, Thomas Schäfer, Alessandro Toschi, and Sabine Andergassen
12:45 |
TT 17.13 |
How to stay on the physical branch of self-consistent many-electron schemes — •Herbert Eßl, Matthias Reitner, and Alessandro Toschi
13:00 |
TT 17.14 |
Mapping energy functionals and external potential of V- representable charge densities of interacting quantum systems — •Calin-Andrei Pantis-Simut, Amanda Teodora Preda, and George Alexandru Nemnes