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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 1: Focus Session: Magnetic Phenomena from Phonon Chirality and Angular Momentum I (joint session MA/TT)

Montag, 17. März 2025, 09:30–13:00, H20

The magnetic moment of the electron lies at the heart of magnetism and spintronics. However, recent research has unveiled the angular momentum and magnetic moment of chiral phonons as fundamental quantities in their own right. These chiral phonons give rise to a plethora of novel lattice phenomena analogous to electronic effects, such as the phonon Hall and phonon Zeeman effects. Moreover, they play a critical role in angular momentum transfer on ultrafast timescales, as seen in the Einstein-de Haas effect. Chiral phonons can also generate effective magnetic fields reaching the tesla scale, inducing magnetization in antiferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and even nonmagnetic materials - a phenomenon reminiscent of the Barnett effect. These advancements showcase phonon chirality and angular momentum as powerful emerging tools for generating and controlling magnetism. This focus session aims to highlight the latest breakthroughs in chiral-phonon magnetism and foster connections between the rapidly evolving field of chiral phononics and the broader magnetism research community.

Coordinators: Dominik M.Juraschek, Eindhoven University of Technology,; Martina Basini, ETH Zürich,

09:30 TT 1.1 Hauptvortrag: Driving Coherent Phonon-Phonon Angular Momentum Transfer via Lattice Anharmonicity — •Sebastian Maehrlein
10:00 TT 1.2 Hauptvortrag: Chiral phonons, phono-magnetism, and spin-rotation coupling — •Matthias Geilhufe
10:30 TT 1.3 Hauptvortrag: Geometry of temporal chiral structures and photoinduced chirality-spin coupling — •Olga Smirnova, Philip Flores, Aycke Roos, David Ayuso, Piero Decleva, Stefanos Carlstroem, Serguei Patchkovskii, and Andres Ordonez
  11:00 15 min. break
11:15 TT 1.4 Hauptvortrag: Phonon thermal Hall effect — •Kamran Behnia
11:45 TT 1.5 Hauptvortrag: Giant effective magnetic moment of chiral phonons — •Swati Chaudhary, Dominik Juraschek, Martin Rodriguez-Vega, and Gregory A Fiete
12:15 TT 1.6 Extrinsic Phonon Thermal Hall Effect — •Dimos Chatzichrysafis, Robin Richard Neumann, and Alexander Mook
12:30 TT 1.7 Signatures of chiral phonons in MnPS3 — •Banhi Chatterjee and Peter Kratzer
12:45 TT 1.8 Elliptically polarized coherent phonons in a degenerate modeArne Ungeheuer, Mashood T. Mir, Ahmed Hassanien, Lukas Nöding, Thomas Baumert, and •Arne Senftleben
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg