
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 3: Correlated Magnetism – General

Montag, 17. März 2025, 09:30–12:45, H32

  09:30 TT 3.1 The contribution has been withdrawn.
09:45 TT 3.2 Hidden quantum correlations in the ground states of quasiclassical spin systems — •Levente Rózsa, Dennis Wuhrer, Sebastián A. Díaz, Ulrich Nowak, and Wolfgang Belzig
10:00 TT 3.3 Measurement of magnetic anisotropy in CsV3Sb5 using torque magnetometry — •Tobi Gaggl, Toshiki Kiyosue, Ryo Misawa, Tomoya Asaba, Max Hirschberger, and Yuji Matsuda
10:15 TT 3.4 Detection of skyrmion lattices by dilatometric measurements — •Mathias Doerr, Justus Grumbach, Sergey Granovsky, Martin Rotter, and Max Hirschberger
10:30 TT 3.5 Electronic structure of the noncentrosymmtric tetragonal antiferromagnet EuPtSi3 — •Katharina Müller, André Deyerling, Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Simeth, Christian Franz, Christian Pfleiderer, and Marc A. Wilde
10:45 TT 3.6 Thermal Hall transport driven by spin fluctuations — •Ignacio Salgado-Linares, Alexander Mook, and Johannes Knolle
11:00 TT 3.7 Pressure tuning of ferromagnetism in the Kagome metal
— •Bin Shen, Franziska Breitner, Victoria A. Ginga, Philipp Gegenwart, and Alexander A. Tsirlin
  11:15 15 min. break
11:30 TT 3.8 Electronic transport measurements in Kagome metal Yb0.5Co3Ge3 — •Zhiyuan Cheng, Heng Wu, Yaojia Wang, Peter van Veldhuizen, Federica Galli, Mazhar Ali, Julia Chan, and Semonti Bhattacharyya
11:45 TT 3.9 Forestalled Phase Separation as the Precursor to Stripe Order — •Aritra Sinha and Alexander Wietek
12:00 TT 3.10 Investigation of the magnetoelastic coupling in CaMn2P2 and SrMn2P2 — •Sven Graus, Ashiwini Balodhi, N. S. Sangeetha, Teslin R. Thomas, Maximilian van de Loo, Andreas Kreyssig, and Anna E. Böhmer
12:15 TT 3.11 Synthesis of CsMn2P2 and study of its low temperature physical properties — •Matthias Kroll, N. S. Sangeetha, Sven Graus, Maik Golombiewski, Andreas Kreyssig, and Anna E. Böhmer
12:30 TT 3.12 Strain-tuning of magnetic properties of Ca1−xSrxCo2−yAs2 and elastoresistance measurements in different symmetry channels — •Teslin Rose Thomas, Michael Paul, N. S. Sangeetha, Sven Graus, Max Brückner, Andreas Kreyssig, and Anna E. Böhmer
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg