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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 33: Correlated Magnetism – Spin Liquids
TT 33.3: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 15:30–15:45, H33
Raman Circular Dichroism of Chiral Quantum Spin Liquids — •Eduard Koller1,2,3, Valentin Leeb1,3, Natalia Perkins4, and Johannes Knolle1,3,5 — 1Technical University of Munich, Germany — 2Institute for Advanced Study, TUM, Germany — 3Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Germany — 4School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, USA — 5Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
We investigate the Raman circular dichroism (RCD) of chiral Quantum spin liquids as a probe of the topological properties of fractionalised spin excitations. Starting from the Loudon Fleury formalism we show that the scattering Intensity is directly related to the light matter coupling formalism of spinon bands. We reveal that the RCD signal arises as a result of the Berry curvature and Quantum geometry contributions. We show application to different model quantum spin liquids.
Keywords: Quantum Geometric Tensor; Raman Scattering; Raman Circular Dichroism; Chiral Quantum spin liquids