Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 33: Correlated Magnetism – Spin Liquids
TT 33.9: Talk
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 17:30–17:45, H33
Pressure-dependent magnetism of the Kitaev candidate Li2RhO3 — •Efrain Insuasti Pazmino1, Bin Shen2, Ramesh Dhakal3, Friedrich Freund2, Philipp Gegenwart2, Steve M. Winter3, and Alexander A. Tsirlin1 — 1Leipzig University, Germany — 2University of Augsburg, Germany — 3Wake Forest University, USA
In the search for a Quantum Spin Liquid (QSL) state in real materials, hydrostatic pressure is employed to move honeycomb Kitaev compounds closer to or farther from a QSL state. The candidates studied so far have exhibited long-range magnetic ordering at lower temperatures. However, the candidate Li2RhO3 does not show a magnetic transition at low temperatures but instead exhibits spin freezing. Magnetic couplings obtained through theoretical super-exchange and Exact Diagonalization calculations evolve away from the Kitaev limit as pressure increases. Interestingly, the freezing temperature determined in our magnetization measurements remains constant under increasing pressure and does not correlate with the changes in magnetic couplings. An analysis of simulations and experiments suggests that spin freezing could arise from extrinsic factors such as stacking faults and crystal defects. Furthermore, the J3 coupling was found to be unusually small in comparison with other Kitaev materials. Our work shows commonalities in the pressure evolution of the Kitaev iridates and rhodates where the decrease in the bond angle suppresses the Kitaev coupling while enhancing the off-diagonal anisotropy.
This work was supported by DFG via TRR360 (492547816).
Keywords: Kitaev materials; Honeycomb lattice; pressure tunning; frustrated magnets; numerical methods