Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 34: Superconductivity: Theory
TT 34.9: Talk
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 17:15–17:30, H36
Time evolution of surface state wave packets in nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors — •Clara Johanna Lapp1,2, Julia Link1,2, and Carsten Timm1,2 — 1Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany — 2Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Nodal noncentrosymmetric superconductors can host zero-energy flat bands of Majorana surface states within the projection of the nodal lines onto the surface Brillouin zone. Thus, these systems can have stationary, localized Majorana wave packets on certain surfaces, which may be a promising platfrom for quantum computation. However, for such applications it is important to find ways to manipulate the wave packets in order to move them without destroying their localization or coherence. As the surface states have a nontrivial spin polarization, applying an exchange field, e.g., by introducing a magnetic insulator at the surface, makes the previously flat band slightly dispersive. We aim to use an adiabatic change of the exchange field to move wave packets on the surface. We therefore investigate the time evolution of a maximally localized wave packet under the influence of such an exchange field employing exact diagonalization as well as quasiclassical approximations.