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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 36: Nanotubes, BEC, Cryocoolers: Poster
TT 36.5: Poster
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 15:00–18:00, P3
Generating a photonic Bose-Einstein condensate in a waveguide — •Lukas Schamriß1,2,3, Louis Garbe1,2,3, and Peter Rabl1,2,3 — 1Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 85748 Garching, Germany — 2Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Natural Sciences, Physics Department, 85748 Garching, Germany — 3Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), 80799 Munich, Germany
We aim to propose a superconducting device designed to generate a photonic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The core component is a coupler that induces a pure three-wave mixing interaction linking a waveguide which hosts the condensate to a LC-mode for dissipating energy from the waveguide. This interaction induces an incoherent photon-number conserving thermalization process in the waveguide. Generally, this system is a minimal example for generating a thermalization mechanism for microwave photons which is a key ingredient for the preparation of finite-temperature equilibrium states on superconducting hardware for analog quantum simulations.
Keywords: superconducting; thermalization; condensate; non-equilibrium; open