16:45 |
TT 38.1 |
Microwave characterization of planar Josephson junction arrays — •Alexander Kirchner, Johanna Berger, Simon Feyrer, Narges Momeni, Matthias Kronseder, Michael Prager, Dieter Schuh, Dominique Bougeard, Nicola Paradiso, Christoph Strunk, and Leandro Tosi
17:00 |
TT 38.2 |
Niobium-trilayer based Dimer Josephson Junction Array Amplifiers — •Bhoomika R Bhat, Asen L Georgiev, Fabian Kaap, Victor Gaydamachenko, Christoph Kissling, Judith Felgner, Mark Bieler, and Lukas Grünhaupt
17:15 |
TT 38.3 |
Towards a traveling-wave parametric amplifier with two-octave bandwidth — •Christoph Kissling, Victor Gaydamachenko, and Lukas Grünhaupt
17:30 |
TT 38.4 |
Mitigating phase velocity mismatch in flux-pumped Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifiers — •Daniil Bazulin, Lars Aaron Anhalt, Kevin Kiener, Matthias Grammer, Niklas Bruckmoser, Leon Koch, Matthias Althammer, Stephan Geprägs, Stefan Filipp, and Kirill G. Fedorov
17:45 |
TT 38.5 |
Towards superconducting quantum-accurate arbitrary waveform generators for microwave frequencies — •Michael Haas, Abdulrahman Widaa, Oliver Kieler, Shekhar Priyadarshi, Marco Kraus, Ralf Behr, Johannes Kohlmann, and Mark Bieler
18:00 |
TT 38.6 |
Characterization of stacked Josephson junction arrays for the Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer with integrated on-chip power dividers — •Omar M. Aladdin, Oliver Kieler, Abdulrahman Widaa, Hannes Preißler, Erasmus Wolf, Marco Schubert, Johannes Kohlmann, and Mark Bieler
18:15 |
TT 38.7 |
High-temperature superconducting Josephson junctions for optical neuromorphic computing — •Elena Vinnemeier, Sebastian Schaper, Malik Ayachi, Vincent Humbert, Javier Villegas, and Ursula Wurstbauer