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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 4: Topological Insulators

TT 4.6: Vortrag

Montag, 17. März 2025, 10:45–11:00, H33

Probing the tomographic regime by nonlinear thermoelectric and magneto-transport in topological Fermi liquids — •Habib Rostami1 and Johannes Hofmann21Department of Physics, University of Bath, United Kingdom — 2Department of Physics, Gothenburg University, Sweden

In 2D Fermi liquids, odd-parity Fermi surface deformations [PRL. 123, 116601 (2019)] exhibit anomalously slow relaxation rates, suppressed as τAN−1T4 with temperature T, deviating from the standard Fermi-liquid scaling, τFL−1T2. This near ballistic (tomographic) regime currently lack a precise experimental probes. We link light-induced nonlinear thermoelectric currents to prolonged relaxation times, τAN [Phys. Rev. Research 6, L042042 (2024)]. These currents, arising in topological Fermi liquids, depend on novel heat capacities, including the Berry curvature capacity CΩ= ∂T ⟨ Ω2 ⟩ and velocity-curvature capacity Cv = ∂TvΩ ⟩. Quantified in Bi2Te3, these effects predict non-monotonic thermoelectric responses, providing features for experimental testing. In another study [arXiv:2411.08102v1], we show that weak magnetic fields suppress tomographic transport signatures by breaking time-reversal symmetry, a prerequisite for the odd-parity collisional relaxation effect. This suppression, occurring at much lower fields than those needed to disrupt hydrodynamic transport, suggests a practical experimental method to extract the odd-parity mean free path.

Keywords: electronic Fermi liquid; topological insulator; magneto-transport; nonlinear thermoelectric; hydrodynamic and tomographic transport

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg