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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 40: Spin Transport and Orbitronics, Spin-Hall Effects II (joint session MA/TT)
TT 40.2: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 17:45–18:00, H19
Orbital Topology of Chiral Crystals for Orbitronics — •Ying-Jiun Chen1, Kenta Hagiwara1,2, Dongwook Go3, Xin Liang Tan1,2, Sergii Grytsiuk1, Kui-Hon Ou Yang4, Guo-Jiun Shu5, Jing Chien4, Yi-Hsin Shen4, Xiang-Lin Huang5, Iulia Cojocariu1, Vitaliy Feyer1,2, Minn-Tsong Lin4,6, Stefan Blügel1, Claus Michael Schneider1,2, Yuriy Mokrousov1,3, and Christian Tusche1,2 — 1Forschungszentrum Jülich — 2University of Duisburg-Essen — 3Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz — 4National Taiwan University, Taiwan — 5National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan — 6Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Chirality is ubiquitous in nature and manifests in a wide range of phenomena including chemical reactions, biological processes, and quantum transport of electrons. In quantum materials, the chirality of fermions, given by the relative directions between the electron spin and momentum, is connected to the band topology of electronic states. Here, we show that in structurally chiral materials like CoSi, the orbital angular momentum (OAM) serves as the main driver of a nontrivial band topology in this new class of unconventional topological semimetals, even when spin-orbit coupling is negligible. A nontrivial orbital-momentum locking of multifold chiral fermions in the bulk leads to a pronounced OAM texture of the helicoid Fermi arcs at the surface. Our findings highlight the pivotal role of the orbital degree of freedom for the chirality and topology of electron states, in general, and pave the way towards the application of topological chiral semimetals in orbitronic devices.
Keywords: Orbital angular momentum; Topological materials; Chiral crystals; Orbitronics; Momentum microscopy