09:30 |
TT 42.1 |
Extraction of the Density of States and the Gap Function on a Temperature Smearing Scale from the Tunneling Conductance Data — •Lucia Gelenekyová and František Herman
09:45 |
TT 42.2 |
Superconductivity of α-Gallium Probed on the Atomic Scale by Normal and Josephson Tunneling — Corinna Fohn, David Wander, Danilo Nikolic, Stéphanie Garaudée, Hervé Courtois, Wolfgang Belzig, Claude Chapelier, Vincent Renard, and •Clemens B. Winkelmann
10:00 |
TT 42.3 |
Current Phase Relation of HgTe Nanowire Josephson Junctions in an Axial Magnetic Field — •Niklas Hüttner, Wolfgang Himmler, Ralf Fischer, Dmitriy Kozlov, Michael Barth, Jacob Fuchs, Andreas Costa, Klaus Richter, Leandro Tosi, Nicola Paradiso, Dieter Weiss, and Christoph Strunk
10:15 |
TT 42.4 |
Theory of Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with s-Wave Tip on a Cuprate Surface — •Peayush Kumar Choubey and Peter Hirschfeld
10:30 |
TT 42.5 |
Optimal Parametric Control of Transport Across a Josephson Junction — •Hannah Victoria Kleine-Pollmann, Guido Homann, and Ludwig Mathey
10:45 |
TT 42.6 |
Gate-Controlled Superconductivity: Mechanisms, Parameters and Technological Potential — Leon Ruf, Jennifer Koch, Elke Scheer, and •Angelo Di Bernardo
11:00 |
TT 42.7 |
Gate-Controlled Supercurrents in Three-Terminal Devices Made on Industrial Grade SiO2 and Al2O3 — •Leon Ruf, Jennifer Koch, Elke Scheer, and Angelo Di Bernardo
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
TT 42.8 |
Transport Measurements on Arrays of Four-Terminal Nb-Pt-Nb Josephson Junctions — •Justus Teller, Christian Schäfer, Benjamin Bennemann, Matvey Lyatti, Kristof Moors, Detlev Grützmacher, Roman-Pascal Riwar, and Thomas Schäpers
11:45 |
TT 42.9 |
Superconducting Atomic Contacts under Microwave Irradiation, Photon-Assisted Tunneling and Fractional Shapiro Steps — •Oliver Irtenkauf, Patrick Raif, Carlos Cuevas, and Elke Scheer
12:00 |
TT 42.10 |
High-Frequency Irradiation of Single-Atom Josephson Junctions — •Martina Trahms, Bharti Mahendru, Clemens B. Winkelmann, and Katharina J. Franke
12:15 |
TT 42.11 |
Amplification Schemes for Single Microwave Photons — •Lukas Danner, Hanna Zeller, Ciprian Padurariu, Joachim Ankerhold, and Björn Kubala
12:30 |
TT 42.12 |
Tunneling in Altermagnet/Superconductor/Altermagnet Junctions — •Marcel Polák, František Herman, Andreas Costa, and Jaroslav Fabian
12:45 |
TT 42.13 |
Chiral Interference Pattern in Tunneling Junctions and SQUIDs Made of Time-Reversal Invariant Weyl Superconductors — •Anastasiia Chyzhykova, Vira Shyta, Jeroen van den Brink, and Flavio Nogueira
13:00 |
TT 42.14 |
Superconductor-Altermagnet Proximity Effect with Nonmagnetic Impurities — •Christian Wiedemann, Danilo Nikolić, Matthias Eschrig, and Wolfgang Belzig