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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 43: Correlated Electrons: Other Theoretical Topics
TT 43.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 10:30–10:45, H33
Numerical indications for two-channel physics in the lightly doped t-J model — •Pit Bermes1,2, Lukas Homeier1,2, Sebastian Paeckel1,2, Annabelle Bohrdt2,3, and Fabian Grusdt1,2 — 1Department of Physics, Arnold Sommerfeld Center of Theoretical Physics, University of Munich, Theresienstrasse 37, 80333 Munich, Germany — 2Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Schellingstrasse 4, 80799 München, Germany — 3University of Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 31, Regensburg D-93053, Germany
The infamous cuprate superconductors at low doping are effectively described by hole doped antiferromagnets. Due to strong correlations however, standard techniques fail to describe these materials and full understanding of the microscopic mechanism remains elusive. Here we analyze numerical simulations of the lightly doped t-J model in two dimensions and present indications for two effective scattering channels in the simulated pair spectrum. We employ a previously proposed effective model whose degrees of freedom are given by magnetic polarons and bipolarons and show that it qualitatively reproduces the two branches in the pair spectrum. In addition, we propose a scheme to experimentally measure these signatures. The understanding of the effective quasiparticles presents an important step to unravel the elusive phases of high Tc superconductors.
Keywords: magnetic polaron; doped antiferromagnets; quantum materials; effective two-channel model