TT 46: Transport Properties (joint session HL/TT)
Thursday, March 20, 2025, 15:00–17:15, H13
15:00 |
TT 46.1 |
Quasi-Ballistic Transport in Phase-Pure GaAs/InAs Core/Shell Nanowires — •Farah Basarić, Vladan Brajović, Gerrit Behner, Kristof Moors, William Schaarman, Raghavendra Juluri, Ana M. Sanchez, Hans Lüth, Detlev Grützmacher, Alexander Pawlis, and Thomas Schäpers
15:15 |
TT 46.2 |
Influence of defects and shape of thin InAs nanowires on their thermal conductivity, assessed via machine-learning potentials — •Sandro Wieser, YuJie Cen, Georg K. H. Madsen, and Jesús Carrete
15:30 |
TT 46.3 |
Ab-initio heat transport in defect-laden quasi-1D systems from a symmetry-adapted perspective — •Yujie Cen, Sandro Wieser, Georg Kent Hellerup Madsen, and Jesús Carrete Montaña
15:45 |
TT 46.4 |
Analysis of the electrical transport properties of MBE grown cubic Galliumnitride (c-GaN) sample structures — •Hannes Hergert, Mario F. Zscherp, Silas A. Jentsch, Jörg Schörmann, Sangam Chatterjee, Peter J. Klar, and Matthias T. Elm
16:00 |
15 min. break
16:15 |
TT 46.5 |
Fabrication and Characterisation of Short-channel Junctionless Nanowire Transistors — •Alessandro Puddu
16:30 |
TT 46.6 |
Ab initio investigation of drag effect in germanium — •Dwaipayan Paul and Nakib Protik
16:45 |
TT 46.7 |
Anomalous Knudsen effect signaling long-lived modes in 2D electron gases — •Grigorii Starkov and Björn Trauzettel
17:00 |
TT 46.8 |
Quantum confinement and stoichiometry fluctuations in nm-thin SiGe layers — •Daniel Dick, Florian Fuchs, Sibylle Gemming, and Jörg Schuster