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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 48: Topology: Majorana Physics
TT 48.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025, 15:45–16:00, H32
Geometric measure of entanglement in systems with poor man's Majorana modes — •Vimalesh Vimal and Jorge Cayao — Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
The physical realization of minimal Kitaev chains has recently opened an alternative avenue for engineering Majorana physics with interesting applications in quantum computing. Central to these applications is the utilization of the Majorana-like quasiparticles in these systems, known as poor man's Majorana modes, for realizing qubits and highly entangled states. In this work we consider a minimal Kitaev chain hosting poor man's Majorana modes and investigate the generation of maximally entangled quantum states by using an entirely geometric approach [1]. In particular, for pure states, the geometric measure of entanglement is quantified by its distance from the nearest separable state and provides an advantageous approach for quantifying entanglement in multipartite mixed states, in contrast to conventional bipartite measures. We characterize regimes with maximally entangled states, which surprisingly emerge with and without poor man's Majorana modes. We also discuss the generation and control of maximally entangled states by the Josephson effect in a Josephson junction based on minimal Kitaev chains. Our work thus demonstrates the potential of minimal Kitaev chains for applications in quantum information.
[1] V. K. Vimal and J. Cayao, Manuscript in preparation.
Keywords: Poor man's Majorana bound states; Geometric entanglement; topological superconductors; Minimal Kitaev chain; Quantum information