Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 52: Nickelates and Other Complex Oxides
TT 52.1: Talk
Friday, March 21, 2025, 09:30–09:45, H31
High-temperature superconductivity and polymorph structures in La3Ni2O7 — •Matthias Hepting1, Pascal Puphal1, Pascal Reiss1, Niklas Enderlein2, Yu-Mi Wu1, Vignesh Sundaramurthy1, Peter A. van Aken1, Hidenori Takagi1, Bernhard Keimer1, Y. Eren Suyolcu1, Björn Wehinger3, and Philipp Hansmann2 — 1Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany — 2University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany — 3ESRF, Grenoble, France
The recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under high pressure has drawn considerable interest [1]. Using high-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy, we observed that La3Ni2O7 single crystals which show signs of filamentary superconductivity exhibit a crystal structure composed of alternating monolayer (ML) and trilayer (TL) units [2]. This lattice architecture diverges significantly from the previously assumed bilayer configuration [1]. In addition, we employed density functional theory to examine the distinct contributions of the ML and TL structural units to the electronic structure of the La3Ni2O7 polymorph. In combination with recent angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments [3], our findings set the stage for future investigations into unique properties of the ML-TL polymorph and the possibility of bulk high-temperature superconductivity.
[1] H. Sun et al., Nature 621, 493 (2023);
[2] P. Puphal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 133, 146002 (2024);
[3] S. Abadi et al., arXiv:2402.07143
Keywords: Nickelates; Superconductivity; Single crystals