TT 56: Quantum Dynamics, Decoherence, and Quantum Information (joint session DY/TT)
Freitag, 21. März 2025, 09:30–11:15, H37
09:30 |
TT 56.1 |
Entanglement phase transitions in unitary circuit games with free fermions — •Raúl Morral-Yepes, Marc Langer, Adam Smith, Barbara Kraus, and Frank Pollmann
09:45 |
TT 56.2 |
Measurement Induced Entanglement Transitions in Random Qudit Clifford Circuits — •Aamod Vinayak Atre, Raúl Morral Yepes, and Frank Pollmann
10:00 |
TT 56.3 |
Entanglement phases, localization and ergodicity of monitored free fermions in 2D — •Karim Chahine and Michael Buchhold
10:15 |
TT 56.4 |
Spectral Properties and Magic generation of T-doped Random Clifford Circuits — •Dominik Szombathy
10:30 |
TT 56.5 |
Magic transition in measurement-only circuits — •Poetri Sonya Tarabunga and Emanuele Tirrito
10:45 |
TT 56.6 |
Developing a Framework for Predicting Useful Quantum Advantage in the Calculation of Molecular NMR Spectra — •Keith Fratus, Andisheh Khedri, Juha Leppäkangas, Michael Marthaler, and Jan Reiner
11:00 |
TT 56.7 |
Linear differential equation approach to the Loschmidt amplitude — •Michael Vogl