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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 8: Measurement Technology and Cryogenics
TT 8.6: Vortrag
Montag, 17. März 2025, 16:30–16:45, H32
Two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler with intermediate heat exchanger for accessing regenerator cooling capacity — •Bernd Schmidt1,2, Jack-André Schmidt1,2, Xaver Herrmann1,2, Jens Falter1, Dirk Dietzel1,2, and André Schirmeisen1,2 — 1TransMIT GmbH, Center for Cryotechnology and Sensors, Giessen, Germany — 2Institute of Applied Physics, University of Giessen, Germany
Two-stage PTCs achieve minimum temperatures of 2.2 K and have found their way even into sensitive applications where they compete with conventional LHe-bath cryostats. The 1st stage of a PTC is providing quite large cooling power at higher temperatures, ideal to cool radiation shields and precool peripheral elements. In addition, the cooling capacity of the regenerator is often used for precooling. This raises the question how the cooling capacity of a regenerator can best be harnessed. We present a cryocooler design [1], where an additional heat exchanger was incorporated into the 2nd stage regenerator.
This intermediate cooling stage allows to extract 4-5 W of cooling power at temperatures of 8-9 K for a standard two-stage PTC with a cooling capacity of 1.6 W at 4.2 K. The experimental data shows that applying the additional heating power does not adversely influence the performance of the second stage cold flange. The achieved cooling powers and temperatures are, for instance, ideally suited to cool superconducting wires in current quantum systems.
[1] J. Falter et al., submitted to Cryogenics (preprint:
Keywords: Pulse Tube Cooler; Regenerator; Cryotechnic