
Regensburg 2025 – wissenschaftliches Programm

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 9: Correlated Magnetism – Low-Dimensional Systems

Montag, 17. März 2025, 15:00–18:15, H33

15:00 TT 9.1 Pressure and quantum magnetism: Insights from brochantite Cu4SO4(OH)6 — •Victoria Ginga, Bin Shen, Ece Uykur, Nico Giordano, and Alexander Tsirlin
15:15 TT 9.2 µSR-investigation of clinoatacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 — •Carolin Kastner, Fabrice Bert, Thomas J. Hicken, Jonas A. Krieger, Hubertus Luetkens, Aaron Schulze, Dirk Menzel, F. Jochen Litterst, Leonie Heinze, Kirrily C. Rule, Anja U. B. Wolter, and Stefan Süllow
15:30 TT 9.3 Complex magnetic excitations in the alternating ferro-antiferromagnetic chain vompound Cu2(OH)3Br — •Kirill Povarov, Yurii Skourskii, J. Wosnitza, David Graf, Zhiying Zhao, and Sergei Zvyagin
15:45 TT 9.4 Synthesis and physical properties of the quasi-spin chain compound Li2CuO2 — •Ashiwini Balodhi and Min Gyu Kim
16:00 TT 9.5 Sub-Kelvin magnetic susceptibility insights into the spin chain system YbAlO3 — •Lipsa Behera, Javier Landaeta, Konstantin Semeniuk, and Elena Hassinger
16:15 TT 9.6 Evidence of spin-phonon charge coupling in the quasi-1D Ising spin chain system α-CoV2O6 — •Debismita Naik and Pradip Khatua
  16:30 15 min. break
16:45 TT 9.7 First-principles phonon study of AgCrS2, AgCrSe2, and AgCrTe2 — •Seo-Jin Kim, Jörg Sichelschmidt, Michael Baenitz, Yurii Prots, Markus Schmidt, and Helge Rosner
17:00 TT 9.8 Crystal structure, electronic structure and magnetism in the binary compound Cr3Se4 — •Helge Rosner, Seojin Kim, Yurii Prots, Vincent Morano, Oksana Zaharko, Jörg Sichelschmidt, Marcus Schmidt, and Michael Baenitz
17:15 TT 9.9 Magnetic-field tuning of the spin dynamics in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CuCrP2S6 (CCPS) — •Joyal John Abraham, Sebastian Selter, Yuliia Shemerliuk, Saicharan Aswartham, Bernd Büchner, Vladislav Kataev, and Alexey Alfonsov
  17:30 TT 9.10 The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:45 TT 9.11 Modelling low-energy spin excitation measurements in field-induced phases of the spin-ladder antiferromagnet BiCu2PO6Patrick Pilch, Kirill Amelin, •Gary Schmiedinghoff, Anneke Reinold, Changqing Zhu, Kirill Yu. Povarov, Sergei Zvyagin, Hans Engelkamp, Yin-Ping Lan, Guo-Jiun Shu, Fang-Cheng Chou, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Rõõm, Götz S. Uhrig, Benedikt Fauseweh, and Zhe Wang
18:00 TT 9.12 Evidence of multiple phase transition in Sr2BB’O6 — •Aprajita Joshi, Shalini Badola, Akriti Singh, and Surajit Saha
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2025 > Regensburg