
Regensburg 2025 – scientific programme

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TUT: Tutorien

TUT 4: Tutorial: Do it Yourself Guide for Simulating Complex Magnetism: From Theoretical Foundations to Hands-on Spin-dynamics (joint session O/TUT)

TUT 4.3: Tutorial

Sunday, March 16, 2025, 17:30–18:15, H10

Hands-on atomistic spin-dynamics simulations with Spirit — •Thorben Pürling1,2 and Moritz Sallermann1,2,31Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, D-52425 Jülich — 2Physics Department, RWTH-Aachen University, D-52062 Aachen — 3University of Iceland

Atomistic spin-dynamics is a powerful, fascinating and educational simulation approach to studying the stability and dynamics of mesoscopic spin-textures such as skyrmions on the basis of atomistic spin-models. It can be used as digital twin to experiments.In this tutorial, participants will be introduced to the atomistic spin model and learn interactively how to perform atomistic spin simulations using the Spirit code [1]. We will cover common computational methods employed in atomistic spin simulations, emphasizing their practical application through the Spirit software framework [2]. The majority of the session will be dedicated to engaging exercises, where participants will work through example problems using Jupyter notebooks that interface directly with Spirit. Participants are encouraged to come with basic knowledge of Python and bring their charged laptops to fully engage in the tutorial. We provide a website [3] to keep you updated such that you arrive at the tutorial prepared for a hands-on experience.

We acknowledge funding from the ERC grant 856538 (project "3D MAGIC").

[1] Gideon P. Müller et al., 10.5281/zenodo.7746551 (2024)

[2] https://spirit-code.github.io

[3] https://spirit-code.github.io/dpg-regensburg2025

Keywords: Atomistic Spin Dynamics; Skyrmions; Spin Models; Multiscale Simulations; Solitons

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