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HL: Halbleiterphysik
HL 38: Implantation
HL 38.10: Vortrag
Freitag, 21. März 1997, 13:15–13:30, H2
Recombination In Silicon Irradiated with 92 MeV Boron Ions — •S.N. Jakubenja1, V.Yu. Yavid1, V.S. Varichenko1,2, and A.M. Zaitsev2 — 1Belarussian State University, HEII Laboratory, Minsk 220080, Belarus — 2FernUniversity Hagen, LGBE, Haldener Str. 182, 58084 Hagen, Germany
Production of recombanation centers, peculiarities of their behaviour during thermal annealing, and spatial distributions of these defects over the irradiated layer have been investigated in silicon irradiated with high energy boron ions. It has been shown that the recombination centers are created predominantly in confined buried desordered regions. These centers have been shown to cause the appearence of energy levels in the band gap at Ec-(0.12-0.18) eV.