16:30 |
A 15.1 |
Frequency comb spectroscopy of Hydrogen 1S-3S — •Elisabeth Peters, Sascha Reinhardt, Scott Diddams, Thomas Udem, and Theodor W. Hänsch
16:30 |
A 15.2 |
Polarization and entanglement studies on the two-photon transitions in hydrogenlike ions — •Filippo Fratini, Stephan Fritzsche, and Andrey Surzhykov
16:30 |
A 15.3 |
Absolute Determination of X-ray Transition Energies in S14+ and Ar16+Ions — •Katharina Kubicek, Hjalmar Bruhns, Johannes Braun, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 15.4 |
Towards Laser Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting in Lithium-like 209 Bi80+ — •Matthias Nothhelfer, Benjamin Botermann, Andreas Dax, Christopher Geppert, Volker Hannen, Thomas Kühl, Rodolfo Sánchez, Thomas Stöhlker, Christian Weinheimer, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
16:30 |
A 15.5 |
Perspektive für ein Experiment zum Test der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie — •Benjamin Botermann, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, W. Nörtershäuser, C. Novotny, D. Bing, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, G. Gwinner, C. Geppert, H.-J. Kluge, T. Kühl, T. Stöhlker, T. W. Hänsch, S. Reinhardt, G. Saathoff und T. Udem
16:30 |
A 15.6 |
Tiefenauslese orts- und zeitauflösender planarer Halbleiterdetektoren zur Untersuchung hochenergetischer Röntgenstrahlung — •U. Spillmann, H. Bräuning, S. Hess, Chr. Kozhuharov, Th. Krings, R. Reuschl, D. Protic, S. Trotsenko und Th. Stöhlker
16:30 |
A 15.7 |
Solid-state laser systems for photoionization, laser cooling and coherent manipulation of magnesium ions — •Daniel Nigg, Börge Hemmerling, Birgit Brandstätter, Lukas An der Lan, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
A 15.8 |
Fluorescence cascades in Xe II after autoionization of doubly excited neutral Xenon — •Witoslaw Kielich, Pascal Kerdelhué, Philipp Reiß, Irina Haar, Rainer Hentges, Philipp V. Demekhin, Ivan D. Petrov, Viktor L. Sukhorukov, and Arno Ehresmann
16:30 |
A 15.9 |
Compact and robust tunable cw narrowband near IR-VIS-UV source for high-resolution spectroscopy — •Sergey Vasilyev, Hans-Emanuel Gollnick, Alexander Nevsky, and Stephan Schiller
16:30 |
A 15.10 |
Nuclear Charge Radii Measurements of 7,9,10,11Be with Laser Spectroscopy — •Monika Žáková, Zoran Andjelkovic, Klaus Blaum, Mark L. Bissell, Gordon W. F. Drake, Christopher Geppert, Magdalena Kowalska, Jörg Krämer, Andreas Krieger, Rainer Neugart, Rodolfo Sánchez, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Dirk Tiedemann, Zong Chao Yan, Deyan Yordanov, Claus Zimmermann, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
16:30 |
A 15.11 |
Towards an optical lattice clock with 88Sr — •Thomas Middelmann, Joseph Sundar Raaj Vellore Winfred, Christian Lisdat, Thomas Legero, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
16:30 |
A 15.12 |
Laser source for spectroscopy of trapped highly charged bismuth ions — •Sebastian Albrecht, Norbert Herschbach, Gerhard Birkl, and the SPECTRAP collaboration
16:30 |
A 15.13 |
High-Precision Experiments on a Single Trapped Radium Ion — O. Boell, G.S. Giri, K. Jungmann, B.K. Sahoo, R.G.E. Timmermans, •O.O. Versolato, L.W. Wansbeek, and L. Willmann
16:30 |
A 15.14 |
A high current electron beam ion trap for fast charge breeding — •Thomas Baumann, José Crespo López-Urrutia, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 15.15 |
Resonance of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption in Bichromatic Field for Hanle Setup — •Andrey A. Zhukov, Sergey A. Zibrov, Vladimir L. Velichansky, and Valery P. Yakovlev
16:30 |
A 15.16 |
Fundamental symmetries in 21Na decay — D.J. van der Hoek, R. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, •W.L. Kruithof, C.J.G. Onderwater, M. Sohani, L. Willmann, and H.W. Wilschut
16:30 |
A 15.17 |
Laser Spectroscopy of atomic Radium — Alexander Groot, Klaus Jungmann, •Bodhaditya Santra, Lorenz Willmann, and Hans W. Wilschut
16:30 |
A 15.18 |
Laser excitation and light shifts of highly charged ions — •Octavian Postavaru, Zoltan Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 15.19 |
An Optical Dipole Trap Target for a Reaction Microscope — •Renate Hubele, Michael Schuricke, Jochen Steinmann, Ganjun Zhu, Alexander Dorn, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
A 15.20 |
Towards Laser Spectroscopy on Lithium II — •Mariusz Semczuk, Guido Saathoff, Valentin Batteiger, Maximilian Herrmann, Sebastian Knünz, Hans Schuessler, Thomas Udem, and Theodor Hänsch
16:30 |
A 15.21 |
Untersuchung von angeregten Zuständen in He-artigem Uran durch Messung des 3P0 Zustands — •Regina Reuschl, Heinrich Beyer, Dieter Liesen, Daniel Thorn, Danyal Winters und Thomas Stöhlker
16:30 |
A 15.22 |
Methoden zur hochgenauen Laserspektroskopie verbotener Übergänge in hoch geladenen Ionen — •Manuel Vogel, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Wolfgang Quint und Richard Thompson
16:30 |
A 15.23 |
Mg-Candidate for an optical atomic clock — •Temmo Wübbena, Jan Friebe, Matthias Riedmann, Andre Pape, Osama Terra, Gesine Grosche, Wolfgang Lipphardt, Harald Schnatz, Ernst M. Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
16:30 |
A 15.24 |
Polarisationsmessungen Radiativer Einfangstrahlung in Uran und Xenon mit neuartigen 2D Halbleiterdetektoren — Sebastian Hess, Harald Bräuning, Sabrina Geyer, •Ajay Kumar, Renate Märtin, Regina Reuschl, Uwe Spillmann, Martino Trassinelli, Sergej Trotsenko, Siegbert Hagmann, Günter Weber und Thomas Stöhlker
16:30 |
A 15.25 |
Improved measurement of the 2S hyperfine splitting in atomic hydrogen and 1S-2S isotopic shift in deuterium — •Janis Alnis, Arthur Matveev, Nikolay Kolachevsky, and Theodor Hänsch
16:30 |
A 15.26 |
A trapped-ion phonon laser — •S Knünz, V Batteiger, M Herrmann, T Udem, T W Hänsch, and K Vahala
16:30 |
A 15.27 |
daming in 2D and 3D dilute Bose gas — •Ming-Chiang Chung
16:30 |
A 15.28 |
Matter-wave interference on an atom chip — •Philipp Wicke, Shannon Whilock, Jan-Joris van Es, Aaldert van Amerongen, and Klaasjan van Druten
16:30 |
A 15.29 |
Superconducting Microtraps for Cold Atom Experiments — •Florian Jessen, Daniel Cano, Brian Kash, Helge Hattermann, Max Kahmann, Dieter Kölle, Reinhold Kleiner, Claus Zimmermann, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 15.30 |
Towards a Gross-Pitaevskii-Boltzmann Equation — •Luis Rico Perez and James Anglin
16:30 |
A 15.31 |
Design and setup of a trap for ultracold lithium atoms as a scattering target for cold atom-molecule collision studies — •Tim Eichhorn, Matthias Strebel, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 |
A 15.32 |
Local superfluidity in finite 2D helium systems — •Jens Böning, Alexei Filinov, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 15.33 |
An ultracold fermion mixture of 6Li and 40K — •Antje Ludewig, Tobias Tiecke, Sebastian Kraft, Steve Gensemer, and Jook Walraven
16:30 |
A 15.34 |
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional dipole systems — •Alexey Filinov, Nikolay Prokof’ev, Michael Bonitz, and Yurii Lozovik
16:30 |
A 15.35 |
Efficient guiding of cold atoms through a photonic band gap fiber — •Stefan Vorrath, Sönke Möller, Kai Bongs, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
A 15.36 |
Density of states for a cold Bose gas in an optical dipole trap — •Lena Simon and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 |
A 15.37 |
EIT and cooling by EIT in an optical dipole trap — •Andreas Ahlrichs, Carl Basler, Christoph Käfer, Maryam Roghani, and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 15.38 |
Spin Struktur von Rb-Spinor-Kondensaten — •Hosnieh Safaei Katoli und Daniela Phannkuche
16:30 |
A 15.39 |
The thermal Bose gas - a stochastic approach — •Sigmund Heller and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 |
A 15.40 |
Trapped interacting bosons beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation — •Martin Heimsoth, Michael Bonitz, and Alexej Filinov
16:30 |
A 15.41 |
Equilibrium properties of charge-asymmetric quantum-bilayers — •Lasse Rosenthal, Karsten Balzer, Alexej Filinov, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 15.42 |
Few-electron quantum dots within a nonequilibrium Green’s functions study — •Karsten Balzer, David Hochstuhl, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 15.43 |
Quantum breathing mode of charged fermions and bosons at arbitrary coupling — •Sebastian Bauch, Karsten Balzer, Christian Henning, David Hochstuhl, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
A 15.44 |
Spin Struktur von Rb-Spinor-Kondensaten — •Hosnieh Safaei Katoli und Daniela Phannkuche
16:30 |
A 15.45 |
Experimental observation of oscillating and interacting matter wave dark solitons — •A Weller, J. P. Ronzheimer, C. Gross, J. Esteve, E. Nicklas, T. Zibold, M. K. Oberthaler, D. J. Frantzeskakis, G. Theocharis, and P. G. Kevrekidis
16:30 |
A 15.46 |
An apparatus for ultracold Fermi gases using sodium and lithium — •Jens Appmeier, Fabienne Haupert, Bernhard Huber, Raphael Scelle, Tobias Schuster, Valentin Volchkov, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:30 |
A 15.47 |
Interaction of Ultracold Atoms with Carbon Nanotubes — •Philipp Schneeweiß, Michael Gierling, Gabriela Visanescu, Michael Häffner, Dieter Kern, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 15.48 |
A new Experiment for the investigation of ultra-cold Potassium Rubidium Mixtures — •Johannes Will, Georg Kleine Büning, Bernd Lücke, Mazyar Sabbar, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Jan Arlt
16:30 |
A 15.49 |
Squeezing and entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Christian Groß, Jerome Esteve, Andreas Weller, Stefano Giovanazzi, Eike Nicklas, Tilman Zibold, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, and Markus Oberthaler
16:30 |
A 15.50 |
Bose Einstein Condensates on the surface of a glass prism — •Helmar Bender, Phillipe Courteille, Claus Zimmermann, and Sebastian Slama
16:30 |
A 15.51 |
Observation of ultra long-range Rydberg molecules — Vera Bendkowsky, Björn Butscher, •Johannes Nipper, Jonathan Balewski, James P. Shaffer, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 15.52 |
Universal scaling in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas — •Robert Löw, Vera Bendkowsky, Björn Butscher, Johannes Nipper, Hendrik Weimer, Jonathan Balewski, James P. Shaffer, Hans Peter Büchler, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 15.53 |
Signature of long-range-molecules in a dipole blocked degenerate atom gas — •Weibin Li and Thomas Pohl
16:30 |
A 15.54 |
Excitation of Rydberg atoms in an ultracold gas by a rotary echo sequence — •Sebastian Wüster, Cenap Ates, Thomas Pohl, Piotr Deuar, Joel Corney, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 15.55 |
Rydberg atom formation in strongly correlated ultracold neutral plasmas — •Georg Bannasch and Thomas Pohl
16:30 |
A 15.56 |
Towards single lattice site addressability using ultracold Rydberg atoms — •Ulrich Raitzsch, Richard Abel, Ashok Mohapatra, Mark Bason, Jonathan Pritchard, Kevin Weatherill, and Charles Adams
16:30 |
A 15.57 |
Adiabatic energy transfer in Rydberg chains — •Cenap Ates, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 15.58 |
Collective modes in ultracold plasma — •Andrii Liubonko, Thomas Pohl, and Jan-Michael Rost