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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 58: Plasmonics and Nanooptics II: Light-Matter Interaction and Spectroscopy I
O 58.8: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 17:00–17:15, WIL A317
Directional leaky polaritons in anisotropic crystals — Xiang Ni1, •Giulia Carini2, Weiliang Ma3, Enrico M. Renzi1, Emanuele Galiffi1, Sören T. Wasserroth2, Martin Wolf2, Peining Li3, Alexander Paarmann2, and Andrea Alù1 — 1CUNY, New York, USA — 2FHI, Berlin, Germany — 3HUST, Wuhan, China
For quite a few years now, natural hyperbolic materials have been attracting significant attention due to their ability of engaging strong interactions between light and their IR active phonon resonances. The hybridized light-matter quasiparticles arising in their bulk, known as hyperbolic phonon polaritons, display large momenta and highly directional propagation stemming from their open topology.
In our contribution, we demonstrate a new class of directional polaritons supported in the lower reststrahlen band of calcite, that feature lenticular isofrequency contours. These novel polaritons, dubbed Leaky Polaritons (LPs), arise in the type-I in-plane hyperbolic region as hybridized states between extraordinary surface-bound and ordinary propagating bulk modes. Despite their closed topology, they support highly directional, long-range, sub-diffractive propagation at the interface. Their dispersion curve also crosses the free-space light cone, providing radiative far-field coupling to both sides of the interface.
To observe the features of LPs experimentally, we employed polariton spectroscopy, far-field probing and near-field imaging, revealing their lenticular dispersion curve, their high directionality, their long lifetime and real-space propagation.